[IBC Logo] The International Badgers Club
Club Adverts

Only adverts from Club Members will be accepted for display on this page.
Adverts will automatically be removed from this page after 8 weeks.

To Submit an advert,

IBC Membership Number;

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Newest additions are at the bottom of the list.

Date AddedMemberIBC Membership No.Details of Swap
13th Mar, 2024Paul Horsfield16/21Wants: UK Pre APR Scout Proficiency - KHAKI: Airman (prop), Backwoods (Smoke), Blacksmith, Climber, Folk Dance, Forester, Prospector & Tailor. BLUE: Airman (prop), Animal-friend, Blacksmith, Coast-watch, Debater, Electrician, Engineer, Entertainer, Forester, Mason, Pioneer, Piper & World-friend. Many similar available to swap.

© The International Badgers Club, 2024.